join us: community
we are all responsible for peace
Quick Steps to Sew Peace
Take our pledge at the bottom of this page
Post the pledge image to your social media
Contact at least two politicians or political action committees of different perspectives and ask them to reduce negative campaigning
politicians & PACs use negative ads because they’ve worked in the past – they’ve swayed parts of us
negativity begets negativity - let’s consider how attack ads are related to community violence
when viewing negative ads, notice who’s paid for it and research the organization
let’s be mindful of the parts of ourselves that want to join groupthink – that want to align ourselves with one group while othering another. from that mindfulness, let’s choose a higher path that benefits us all.
there’s power in numbers - peace expands as more of us recognize, act, and practice
contact political candidates and PACs - ask them to sew peace by reducing attack ads. organize letter writing groups/parties – the more individual contacts, the better.
sample: “Dear Leader/PAC, please consider the larger picture, prioritize peace, and reduce negative campaign ads. Your positivity affects us all."
see this video for more specific ideas
ask candidates in-person at events
identify those who would make good leaders and ask them to run for office
spread the word
friends, families, coworkers, communities
at events
let’s work together to sew peace
As a community member, I pledge to ask political candidates and action committees to sew positivity. I pledge to notice parts of myself that may be swayed by negative messages.